Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

I had a very happy Thanksgiving.  I hope you did, too!  We went to visit my Grandmama, Granddaddy, Uncle B, Grandmother, Granddad, Grandma, Ashlyn, Nolen, Kaitlin...  Well, I could go on...  It was a very busy day with lots of places to go.  Sorry we couldn't make them all.  Anyway, we had a good time.  My Granddaddy brought over his fixed up John Deere tractor that used to belong to my Mommy's great-grandfather "GrandTom."  I got to sit on it.  I didn't like it too much the first time, but when Daddy was with me it was OK.

I got to eat my very first meal at the supper table.  Yep!  I had my first cereal.  I gobbled it right up.  It was Barley, too bad it made me a little sick.  This whole allergy thing really stinks.  Well, I got some good pictures out of it at least.

Guess what.  I've gotten another tooth already.  The two came in exactly 1 week apart!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

5 Months and a Tooth

I just wanted to tell everyone what I've been doing this month.  I've pretty much perfected the art of sitting.  I just haven't figured out how to get there on my own yet.  I've also gotten very good at getting everything in my mouth.  That may be because I got a tooth that decided to surface tonight.  Yippee!

Also, I went to the hospital last week.  I had to get an IV and everything.  I got sick because I am allergic to cow's milk and soy proteins.  I got really bad poops that made me dehydrated.  A few hours of fluids fixed me right up.  I'm all better now!  BTW, I weighed 14 pounds exactly.

Next week is Thanksgiving.  I'm looking forward to eating me some Barley cereal.  It will be my first real food.

I've added some new pictures.  My Mommy really wanted pictures of me in the leaves.  I pretty much vetoed that, though.  I did let her take pictures of me watching football and sitting at the piano.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005


My first Halloween was yesterday.  I went Trick-or-Treating with some neighbor kids and my Mommy & Daddy.  Can you guess what I am?  I'm a football.  That's my Daddy, the football player, carrying me.  My Mommy is a football fan.  How corny is that?  LOL!  There's also some pictures of me in my "pre-party" attire.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm 4 months old!!

Just a few more pictures since I just had another birthday.  I've had several recent photo posts so will forgive my Mommy for not putting more on this entry.  :)


My doctor says I'm growing like a big boy.  I went to see her yesterday and weighed 13 pounds 11 ounces.  I am also 24.5 inches long.  Looks like everything is in tip-top shape for me.

Precious Parts Pictures

Seems like all the photo studios are doing these "Precious Parts" photos where they focus on different body parts.  We decided to make our own.  Here they are!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

October Pictures

I'm getting so big!  I'll be 4 months old on Monday but don't go to the doctor for my checkup until the next Monday.  Yuck!  More Shots!.

Daddy and I like to watch football on Sundays.  There's a picture of me doing the "touchdown" sign in Daddy's lap.

I went on my first nature trail with Mommy and Daddy this week.  We went to McConnell's Trace here in Lexington.  I loved looking at the trees.  Daddy even took me down to a little cave entrance.  We didn't go in, though.

I've got lots of new colorful toys I love to play with.  I'm sticking stuff in my mouth.  I can even roll over both ways, though I usually don't let Mommy see.  In fact, she's only seen me roll from tummy to back.  I roll both ways though for Ms. Kat at daycare.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

More 3 Month Pictures

Grandmama came to visit while Mommy and Daddy both worked today.  She took lots of pictures and caught me in the act demonstrating my new-found skills.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I'm 3 months old!!!

I'm getting to be a strong boy at 3 months old.  I can (sometimes) entertain myself with my mirror.  I can lift my head up high.  I can sit pretty well if someone will help a little.  I love to stand up in my Daddy's lap.  I'm even able to roll over from my tummy to my back!

For my birthday I had my picture made by the funny man at the Olan Mills in K-Mart.  Then we went to Oktoberfest with my new friend Nathan who's 3 wks old.

Now I'm 12 pounds 6.4 ounces as of 9/19.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Finally... More Pictures

These are pictures from Labor Day weekend.  I went to visit my Grandmama since Mommy was in "Aunt" Elaine's wedding.  There's even a picture of me at the wedding.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I'm 2 Months Old Now

My 2-month birthday was Wednesday.  Unfortunately, I spent it with Mama's family at my great-uncle Ricky's funeral.  It sure will be different to grow up without him with us.

Monday, Aug 22 I went to the doctor for my 1st shots.  I weighed 11 pounds and 7 ounces and am now 22 inches long!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Mommy took me to the doctor's office Thursday. I'm already 10 pounds and 6 ounces. I'll be two months old Wednesday and have my 2 month check-up Aug 22. Wonder what I'll weigh then?

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Pictures of Just Me

Though we like pictures taken with other people, here are just some cute pictures of me.  You can get to see my Funky Monkey rattle.  I am also smiling and making bubbles, which you can see.

Meet the Houston County Gang

I finally got to meet my great-grandparents on my Grandmama's side.  My Grandmother and Granddad were so happy to meet me.  Even my aunt Kathy came to visit from Florida.  I also met a few of my cousins.  Nolen had a birthday party last Saturday where I got to meet Ashlyn.  Kaitlin came to see me at Granmother's house.  There's even a picture of "Aunt" Elaine and Drew at her bridal shower.

Meet the Vernon Family

We went to Bowling Green last week to meet the rest of the Vernon brood.  That includes my Uncles Harry and Bob, my Aunt Debi, Jennifer (where's my pic of her?), and Cousin Nate.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

It's My Birthday -- I'm 1 Month Old!

I'm 1 month old today!  I had fun making pictures in my trees.  (Daddy did edit the pictures.  Don't think I got up there all by myself.)

There are also pictures of me sleeping, enjoying my swing, and visiting with Grammy.

My Weigh-in from Monday July 18 was 7 pounds 13 ounces.  I'm growing like a weed.

Saturday, July 9, 2005

Guess What... More Pictures

Here are pictures from my first 4th of July, my first day at daycare (only a half-day for Mommy to get used to leaving me there -- how sad), and my Grandmama.  She left yesterday.  We all miss her a bunch!

Sunday, July 3, 2005

New Pictures of Me!

Hello to everyone!  I've been having a great time here with my Mommy and Daddy.  My Grandmama is still staying with us as well.  We're going to be really sad to see her go home this Friday.  :(  Here are some new pictures of me.  The first ones are of my first church outfit.  Didn't get any pictures at church but got pictures once we got home.  My Daddy even made pictures of me with some of his camping gear.  I'm ready to go backpacking, doesn't it seem? 

There's a picture of me with my first toys.  I'm really not all that interested yet, though.  I also encountered my first horse when we went to Shaker Village last night.  My Daddy kept me safe in my new stroller so they wouldn't bite me.  I also went to my first cookout today where I got to play with Miss Mia from down the street.

Monday, June 27, 2005

More Pictures

I'm changing every day.  Here are some more pictures.  Sorry the posts aren't as frequent as some of you would like but my Mommy's been busy taking care of me.  These pictures include my first bath, my first church outfit, and more pictures of my many visitors.

Monday, June 20, 2005

I'm Really Here!!! Happy Birthday to Me!

Good early morning to everyone.  I just wanted to let  you all know I made it to your world safe and sound.  I've even got some pictures for you to see me!  Aren't I too cute.  :)  My Mommy and Daddy think so.

My Birthday:  June 17, 2005 @ 6:56 am

My Weight: 6 pounds 7 ounces

My Length: 19 and 1/4 inches

Special Things about Me:  I've got my Mommy's right foot.  Yep, my toes are so crooked they overlap just like hers did when she was little.  I also know that I share a birthday with my great-grandmother, Doris.  That's pretty special. 

Monday, June 13, 2005

Almost Here!

These are probably the last pictures before we go off to the hospital.  You're now 37 1/2 weeks!

Friday, June 3, 2005

Another Shower!

Here are more pictures!  I had another shower.  This time people in Lexington came.  My mom and I felt very fortunate to have friends here.  Grandmama came and had a good time meeting my mom's friends and coworkers.

Monday, May 16, 2005

I'm Blessed

Just had my baby showers and am so blessed by all those who love me already, even though I'm not here yet.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Getting Bigger and Bigger Every Day

More new pictures of Mommy and Me at 31 and 1/2 weeks.  I'll be here before you know it.  Just 2 months to go.

Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Ultrasound Pictures

Here are some ultrasound pictures.  Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Pictures of Mommy

For those who are too far away for the sneak peeks at little Jack, here you go.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

My Little Butterfly

I thought I felt it a couple weeks ago.  Now that it's more regular I know you're moving about in there.  Feels like little butterflies!

Saturday, February 5, 2005

It's A Boy!

Found out on Monday 01/31 that little Jack is truly Jack after all!