Monday, June 20, 2005

I'm Really Here!!! Happy Birthday to Me!

Good early morning to everyone.  I just wanted to let  you all know I made it to your world safe and sound.  I've even got some pictures for you to see me!  Aren't I too cute.  :)  My Mommy and Daddy think so.

My Birthday:  June 17, 2005 @ 6:56 am

My Weight: 6 pounds 7 ounces

My Length: 19 and 1/4 inches

Special Things about Me:  I've got my Mommy's right foot.  Yep, my toes are so crooked they overlap just like hers did when she was little.  I also know that I share a birthday with my great-grandmother, Doris.  That's pretty special. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Can't wait to see ya'll!!
