Sunday, July 17, 2005

It's My Birthday -- I'm 1 Month Old!

I'm 1 month old today!  I had fun making pictures in my trees.  (Daddy did edit the pictures.  Don't think I got up there all by myself.)

There are also pictures of me sleeping, enjoying my swing, and visiting with Grammy.

My Weigh-in from Monday July 18 was 7 pounds 13 ounces.  I'm growing like a weed.


Anonymous said...

I love it, he looks so happy in the tree. Guess he is going to take that from his daddy.B

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess that last comment was from Mom using my password.  He is just the cutest!  That tree pic is the best-I laughed so hard.  You sure did make a great baby!   Can't wait to see him again.  Couldn't go this weekend-sorry.  Hope to see you soon!  His personality is already shining through at such an early stage.  Thanks for keeping in touch.  Let me know if you still want to go to the 2 Titans games.  Love you all-Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hello Sweetheart!

We just couldn't wait until Saturday.  Your Granddaddy and I had to make the trip up to see you yesterday.  What a big boy you are!!!  

Once upon a time I thought the trip was really long, but it has gotten shorter knowing you are waiting at the end. :)

I hope today was a good day for you and Miss Kathleen; but I also hope it was a good day for Mommy and Daddy.

I love you baby!


Anonymous said...

Hey little Jack
It's your Great Aunt Debi and Cousin Nate, we have looked at all your pictures all day long.  You are sooo cute and cuddly.  Can't wait for another visit so we can play.  
Crystal and Jeffrey, He is a sweetie pie.