Sunday, July 3, 2005

New Pictures of Me!

Hello to everyone!  I've been having a great time here with my Mommy and Daddy.  My Grandmama is still staying with us as well.  We're going to be really sad to see her go home this Friday.  :(  Here are some new pictures of me.  The first ones are of my first church outfit.  Didn't get any pictures at church but got pictures once we got home.  My Daddy even made pictures of me with some of his camping gear.  I'm ready to go backpacking, doesn't it seem? 

There's a picture of me with my first toys.  I'm really not all that interested yet, though.  I also encountered my first horse when we went to Shaker Village last night.  My Daddy kept me safe in my new stroller so they wouldn't bite me.  I also went to my first cookout today where I got to play with Miss Mia from down the street.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sweet Jack!

It's early on my first morning back at home.  I miss you already.  What an adorable baby you are!  

You take good care of Mommy and Daddy.  I can't wait to see you again in a few weeks.

I love you!
