Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

I had a very happy Thanksgiving.  I hope you did, too!  We went to visit my Grandmama, Granddaddy, Uncle B, Grandmother, Granddad, Grandma, Ashlyn, Nolen, Kaitlin...  Well, I could go on...  It was a very busy day with lots of places to go.  Sorry we couldn't make them all.  Anyway, we had a good time.  My Granddaddy brought over his fixed up John Deere tractor that used to belong to my Mommy's great-grandfather "GrandTom."  I got to sit on it.  I didn't like it too much the first time, but when Daddy was with me it was OK.

I got to eat my very first meal at the supper table.  Yep!  I had my first cereal.  I gobbled it right up.  It was Barley, too bad it made me a little sick.  This whole allergy thing really stinks.  Well, I got some good pictures out of it at least.

Guess what.  I've gotten another tooth already.  The two came in exactly 1 week apart!


Anonymous said...

Hi Angel!  It sure was good to see you this past week!  Did daddy tell you what his dad bought for you at your Uncle Ricky's estate sale?  I bet you're the youngest owner of one of those!
You sure had everyone up late (or all night with worry) after your first real food.  Glad there was no bad poopie or IVs involved in that little bout.  By the way a gray face is not a good look for you.  Let's try to stay away from that!
I can't wait to see you in a few weeks.  Santa's coming!!!
I love you!

GREAT Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...


Sure wish your first real meal had been better!  Nothing like really good food but not being able to enjoy it after the fact.  I know all about the allergy thing, I love nuts but can't eat them at all.  And forget eating eggs they are a killer for me.  
I sure hope that by next Turkey day the allergry thing will be just a note in the books.  

See ya soon,
Great Aunt Debi