Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'm Home

I had to visit the  hospital again for more IV fluids.  This time my Mommy brought home a nasty GI virus that made me really sick.  When I left today I weighed 17 pounds and 8 ounces.  I know it isn't all the way back but is pretty darn close.


Anonymous said...

Jack...what a way to spend Fat Tuesday.  Poor little guy that tummy needs to leave you alone.   Sure hope you feel better and not have to go back to that hospital again any time soon.  Spring is just about here and lots of great outside play time is just around the corner.  

Later little Dude
Great-Aunt Debi

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Boy!

What a scary thing it is to be so sick!  I'm so thankful that you are much, much better.  I can't wait to see you again, now that you're well.  I'm so sorry you were sick while Grandmama was taking care of you.

I love you!  Grandmama