Saturday, March 18, 2006

2 New Cars and a Clubhouse

My Daddy and my Grandmamma got me new cars.  I ride on my daddy's and love to turn the stearing wheel.  I can push my grandmamma's.  It makes lots of noises and plays music, too.

Daddy also gave me my first clubhouse.  It's made out of the box my car came in.


Anonymous said...

You and Nate have the same cars!  You need to get your Mommy and Daddy to pack your car and bring it with you to Murfreesboro so you and Nate can go driving together.  Nate and Megan are going to have a brithday/graduation party at the playground May 6th.  

See ya real soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweet Boy!  Tell them you're ready for the motorized one!!

Love you Sweetie
aunt Kathy