Monday, July 24, 2006

Just an Update

I wanted to update you on all the fun, fun things I've been doing since my party.  Well, now I can walk all over the place.  I can't quite make it further than about 20 ft before losing my balance, but it's getting further and further every day.  I'm even starting to try to pick up the pace and run a little bit.

Also, I started saying "light" when I point at the lights in the ceiling.  And when I'm playing with the rocks in the landscaping I can say "rock," too.  I'm signing a little bit for things I can't say yet.  I've got the sign for "bath" down pat.  I'm still working on "eat" and "drink" signs.  We'll get them soon, or we'll get the words.

My Mommy and Daddy found me a new daycare the other day.  Instead of 5 boys and girls all under the age of 2 now I'll be with 15 kids total from 9 months to pre-kindergarten.  Actually, I'm in a preschool/daycare so I get lots of teaching.  I'll start going there after we move.  For now I'll get to play a little while longer with Ms. Kat and the other kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Jack, how have you been?  It's been almost 2 months since your last update.  How do is living in Tenneseee full time?  And what about your new house?  And tell me all about your new friends at school.  

Nate is enjoying his 2 days at his school and is getting to know his new cousin Gabe aka Fluff.  

Waiting to read all about you.

GA Debi