Monday, July 24, 2006

Just an Update

I wanted to update you on all the fun, fun things I've been doing since my party.  Well, now I can walk all over the place.  I can't quite make it further than about 20 ft before losing my balance, but it's getting further and further every day.  I'm even starting to try to pick up the pace and run a little bit.

Also, I started saying "light" when I point at the lights in the ceiling.  And when I'm playing with the rocks in the landscaping I can say "rock," too.  I'm signing a little bit for things I can't say yet.  I've got the sign for "bath" down pat.  I'm still working on "eat" and "drink" signs.  We'll get them soon, or we'll get the words.

My Mommy and Daddy found me a new daycare the other day.  Instead of 5 boys and girls all under the age of 2 now I'll be with 15 kids total from 9 months to pre-kindergarten.  Actually, I'm in a preschool/daycare so I get lots of teaching.  I'll start going there after we move.  For now I'll get to play a little while longer with Ms. Kat and the other kids.

My Birthday Party!

I had my birthday party at Grandmama's and Granddaddy's house on July 8.  It was lots of fun.  Many people came to see me.  Even Nate rode all the way from Murfreesboro to play with me.  I was so happy to see him.  I just had to eat him up.  (Literally)

My Mommy had made me a special cake since the big cake had grown up ingredients (my allergies) in the mixture.  I sure did like that sweet icing.  My favorite part was getting icing all over the balloon while I was supposed to be eating my cake.  Did you know that those things will pop if you bite them?  Neither did I!  But I do now.  Oh, well.  At least I had more to play with.

I got lots of cool presents to play with.  I got lots of toys, too.  Nate and I had lots of fun playing fireman.  He just hopped right onto the back of my John Deere firetruck.  We were just looking for fires to put out.

Oh, if you are wondering why Aunt G is over by the trashcan then I'll tell you.  She's making some homemade ice cream.


Sorry the pictures are out of order.  For some reason the computer won't complete the rearrangement.

Swimming with Mommy

My Mommy and I went swimming in the big pool at Grandmama's house.  She took some pictures of me and Mommy swimming together.  I seemed to like it a whole lot better when there weren't as many people around to stare at me.  I even got in my little boat.

Well, I posted this last night, or tried to post it.  Anyway, I guess Daddy must have logged off the internet before it got finished.

I wanted to show you all pictures of my first trip to the zoo.  We went to Cincinatti to see Dr. Re and Shaun after they moved.  It was way too hot out there for me.  I was red as a lobster just from the heat.  Thankfully, none of it was sunburn.  I did get to see some cool things.  Here are some pictures of the cheetahs, gorillas, and hippos that I saw.  It was also fun to ride the carousel with Mommy.  I got a little scared by the end, though.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

4th of July - My First Fireworks!

I went to the fireworks show with Mommy, Grandmama, Granddaddy, and Kaitlin.  We got there really early.  Good thing because those adults forgot our chairs.  We found a seat next to the Leprechaun as you can see.  I sure had fun playing with him and his lantern.  The firworks themselves, they were too loud and scared me a little.  I was also very tired because it was way past my bedtime.  Maybe I'll like them a little more next year.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Almost Walking!

Wow!  I'm taking fun steps toward walking.  I let go and walk to Mommy or Daddy, but only if they are not more than 2-3 steps away.  Last night I even let go and walked toward one of my toys in the floor.  I bet I'll be walking like a big boy by my party next week.  :)