Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'm Home

I had to visit the  hospital again for more IV fluids.  This time my Mommy brought home a nasty GI virus that made me really sick.  When I left today I weighed 17 pounds and 8 ounces.  I know it isn't all the way back but is pretty darn close.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

8 Months

I'm 8 months old, yesterday!  I decided to sneak into Daddy's backpack so I could go on a hike with him.  Do you think he'll take me?

Mommy wanted pictures of me for you to see so I thought I would just show off.  Instead of following directions I just wanted to play with the mat in the floor.  Finally I decided to look at a book, play with my blocks, crawl around on the floor, and love on my dinosaur.  It's snowing outside again.  Mommy and Daddy were supposed to make me a snowman, but they were too lazy.

Friday, February 17, 2006


It's Super Bowl Sunday!  I'm having lots of fun waiting for all the activities to start.  I'm just sad it's the last big game of the year.  My Grandmama and Granddaddy came to visit in the morning and took me to lunch.  I just love the whole high chair thing.

There's a lot of snow outside!  Mommy took me out and made me a little sled.  Yes, I know it's a clothesbasket, but it was fun anyway.  (Well, for Mommy it was.  I just wanted to get out of the cold.  BRRRR!)

7 Months!

Better Late than Never!

Here are my 7 month pictures.  I love to play with my toys.  My new favorite thing is my bath.  If Mommy would let me I'd make the whole kitchen my bathtub.  I splash all the water all over the floors and countertops.  I can stand up by myself for a little while as long as there's a toy to use to pull myself up.