Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

I had a very happy Thanksgiving.  I hope you did, too!  We went to visit my Grandmama, Granddaddy, Uncle B, Grandmother, Granddad, Grandma, Ashlyn, Nolen, Kaitlin...  Well, I could go on...  It was a very busy day with lots of places to go.  Sorry we couldn't make them all.  Anyway, we had a good time.  My Granddaddy brought over his fixed up John Deere tractor that used to belong to my Mommy's great-grandfather "GrandTom."  I got to sit on it.  I didn't like it too much the first time, but when Daddy was with me it was OK.

I got to eat my very first meal at the supper table.  Yep!  I had my first cereal.  I gobbled it right up.  It was Barley, too bad it made me a little sick.  This whole allergy thing really stinks.  Well, I got some good pictures out of it at least.

Guess what.  I've gotten another tooth already.  The two came in exactly 1 week apart!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

5 Months and a Tooth

I just wanted to tell everyone what I've been doing this month.  I've pretty much perfected the art of sitting.  I just haven't figured out how to get there on my own yet.  I've also gotten very good at getting everything in my mouth.  That may be because I got a tooth that decided to surface tonight.  Yippee!

Also, I went to the hospital last week.  I had to get an IV and everything.  I got sick because I am allergic to cow's milk and soy proteins.  I got really bad poops that made me dehydrated.  A few hours of fluids fixed me right up.  I'm all better now!  BTW, I weighed 14 pounds exactly.

Next week is Thanksgiving.  I'm looking forward to eating me some Barley cereal.  It will be my first real food.

I've added some new pictures.  My Mommy really wanted pictures of me in the leaves.  I pretty much vetoed that, though.  I did let her take pictures of me watching football and sitting at the piano.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005


My first Halloween was yesterday.  I went Trick-or-Treating with some neighbor kids and my Mommy & Daddy.  Can you guess what I am?  I'm a football.  That's my Daddy, the football player, carrying me.  My Mommy is a football fan.  How corny is that?  LOL!  There's also some pictures of me in my "pre-party" attire.