Sunday, October 28, 2007

Jack's Playground... for real

Here's some pictures of my new playground and clubhouse. Just click to enlarge.

Bye Bye Steroids!

We're finally off our month of steroids!  Jack sure did eat like a mad man while on them.  Also, just the steroids themselves will add a few pounds. Believe it or not, he only gained about 4-5 pounds. It's just all in his face and belly.

Haircutting Party

Uncle B came over and gave Jack a "B Haircut." Afterwords, Jack chased us all around the house with the water hose.  He got me good.

Pics from Vandy

These are pics taken in the hospital. To see a particular picture just click on it to enlarge.

3 Months... What a Difference!

Well, it's been over 3 months since I last updated this page. A lot has happened since then. Jack was diagnosed with Pre-B Cell ALL on September 20. He was in Vanderbilt Children's Hospital until October 1. Since then we've been getting chemo, bone marrow exams, and spinal taps as an outpatient.  For the most part it will remain outpatient.

I know that most of you have already seen his other web page which will have daily updates.  However, I'll be keeping this site up as well. I'll try to keep archives of pictures on here. I may also decide to make more private updates here if there is something we don't want the whole world to know.

The picture attached here are from Sept 9, 1 week before jack started getting sick.