Monday, June 19, 2006

1st Birthday

Happy Birthday to Me!

I had a good time with my Mommy and Daddy for my birthday.  We didn't have any kind of party.  We did go and get some family pictures made, though.  (The pictures are posted here in their un-edited form.)  Then we went and drove around for a while and looked for houses in case we end up staying here in Kentucky for Mommy a new job.

I wanted to give you and update on all the fun things I'm learning to do.  I stand by myself when I get distracted holding onto a toy or balloon.  I even take a few steps on my own before I remember that I'm too scared to keep walking.  Mommy and Daddy think this is really funny.  Most of the time I jut hold on and walk around all the furniture.  I can cruise and crawl almost faster than Mommy can catch me.

I'm feeding myself most everything now.  Mommy quit buying those baby foods because I was making too big of a mess trying to feed myself with a mushy mess.  My favorite foods are rice cakes, turkey hot dogs, sweet potatos, and plums.  I still like my bananas, apples, chicken, and green beans.  Mommy made me get rid of my bottles and Nuby cups. So now I drink most everything from a real sippy cup.  When I'm in my highchair Mommy even lets me use a "real people" cup.  I got water everywhere yesterday trying to give myself my real cup.

I've been yelling for Mommy and Daddy lately, especially if I get really mad.  Mommy thought I said "apple" yesterday.  I was just fooling her though.

I went for my first swim in the big pool last week.  I don't know if it was the size of the pool or all those people watching me, but I sure didn't like it.  Maybe I'll try again soon.

Very soon I'll have another baby cousin, another boy.  Nate and I will have lots of fun harrasing little Gabe when he gets here.


Anonymous said...


Your grandma and I want to take you on a shopping trip to the mall when you get here (and maybe chuckie cheese for lunch).  Talk some more to Mom and Daddy and let us know.

Love ,

Auntie Patsy

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack,

Next time you come to the boro for a visit you need to get that old Grandad and Daddy bring you over for a dip in the kiddo pool with Nate.  Some times it just takes a few times to get the hang of all that water.  

Like your family pictures...just need to make your Daddy smile!!  

See ya soon.

Great Aunt Debi