Saturday, March 18, 2006

9 Month St Patty's Day


I turned 9 months old.  I had lots of fun and spent Saturday at the St. Patty's parade in Erin.  I got to see lots of friends and play in Granddaddy's truck.  There were lots of loud cars and bands.  There were also some floats and, of course, the Shriners.

Just to update you on my accomplishments I am crawling everywhere.  I can even crawl up the stairs.  (That scares Mommy, of course.)  I'm also cruising around some of the furniture and pushing my toys around in the floor.  I now have a total of 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom) with more teething happening as I write.  I'm blowing raspberry's all the time.  I'm trying to wave but don't have that down yet.  My hair is growing in much thicker.  Right now it's enough to get ruffled but not enough to cut.  I'm into my 12 month clothes and will most likely be into my 18 month clothes before the end of the summer.

2 New Cars and a Clubhouse

My Daddy and my Grandmamma got me new cars.  I ride on my daddy's and love to turn the stearing wheel.  I can push my grandmamma's.  It makes lots of noises and plays music, too.

Daddy also gave me my first clubhouse.  It's made out of the box my car came in.