Friday, January 6, 2006

Party Time!

Grandmamma came to keep me while my Mommy and Daddy worked on New Year's Eve morning.  I played and played until she just couldn't leave.  That meant my Mommy and Daddy could go on a triple date to a really nice restaurant.  I hope they had a good time.  I know I did.  I played with my buckets and turned them into hats.  Grandmamma called me "Bucket Head."  The yellow one makes a nice fez.


Anonymous said...

Hello Sweetheart!

What a busy month you've had.  You're getting sooo big and fun to play with.  I truly enjoyed having you stay at our house during the Christmas holidays.  Then, I got to enjoy you the entire day the last day of 2005.  God bless you my precious boy.

Love Grandmama

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack,

Love the bucket hats!  Great idea for them and it sure looks like lots of fun.
Looks like you had lots of fun on New Years eve with Grandmamma, know she did!

Nate said to tell you to look out for those top teeth, they seem to be a real pain to come in.  He got 2 in 2 days.

Later Little Bucket Head,

Great Aunt Debi

Anonymous said...

Hi Jack!

I love watching you grow up - even if it is virtually.
The pictures are wonderful and you are so cute!  I especially like the bucket head!
Tell your mommy I miss her and will be in touch soon.
Tell her she looks great!