Friday, January 6, 2006

Party Time!

Grandmamma came to keep me while my Mommy and Daddy worked on New Year's Eve morning.  I played and played until she just couldn't leave.  That meant my Mommy and Daddy could go on a triple date to a really nice restaurant.  I hope they had a good time.  I know I did.  I played with my buckets and turned them into hats.  Grandmamma called me "Bucket Head."  The yellow one makes a nice fez.

Mobley Christmas

I think everyone around me at Christmas dinner was a little sad.  It's their first Christmas without Uncle Ricky.  It was as good as it could be.  Aunt Kathy came from Florida.  Brittany came with Uncle B.  I had lots of fun watching everyone play Clue and Life with Kaitlin.  We even got to stay out really late.  BTW, that's me playing with Grandmother's Christmas Balls that have hung in her living room for well over 30 years.  I'm sure my Mommy did the same when she was little.  Some things just never change.

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was full of fun.  Santa brought me an exersaucer.  I played with more wrapping paper.  I even got a Retro Rocket to ride.  It was so much fun to get on irt.  I just can't wait to get a little bigger so I cab make it go.

Vernon Family Christmas

I spent Christmas Eve with my Grandpa and Nate.  Sure there were other people there as well, but these were the ones I played with the most.  I got lots of fun toys.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Christmas Eve

I spent lunch with Grammy, Aunt Kathy, and Uncle Dennis.  The shiny wrapping paper was my favorite.

A Nolen Christmas

My first Christmas party was with my Granddaddy's family.  I had lots of fun tearing at the paper and peaking in bags.

I'm 6 months old!

I know it's a late post but I'm now 6 mo old.  I was in the hospital until the day before.  I weighed 15 pounds there.  I think I'm all better now.  Here are some pictures taken for my 6 mo birthday.