Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas with Grammy & Aunt Kathy

After a whirlwind trip to Gatlinburg we came home to our first Christmas celebration of the year. Grammy and Aunt Kathy came by for a dinner. It was my first attempt at lemon butter sauces, fish, and corn chowder. The corn chowder was pretty good. As for the rest of it, OK I guess.

Jack really enjoyed his presents. He snatched up a Diego bicycle and the Diego Dino Adventure.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gatlinburg Again

We met with Mr. Freddie and Mr. Joey in Gatlinburg. It was good to see Hannah, Joey's little girl for the first time in years. Jack had never met her before. It was a rocky relationship for the weekend. All in all, though, we had a good time.