Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

This year Thanksgiving was celebrated at our house. But this year we were not in total isolation so had a few guests. Grandmama, Granddaddy, and Uncle B joined us for dinner. It was a nice, quiet day. It makes me sad that the rest of the family couldn't visit, but with marginal counts Jack couldn't be around the illnesses floating through the rest of them.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome to Jack's Playground!

So I finally have this blog updated throughout the majority of Jack's life. This blog is really more of an archive of past posts that would be spaced a little further apart compared to the daily or weekly entries of Jack's Caringbridge page.

Old posts that have been transferred from AOL (2004 - May 2008) have photo slideshows attached. However, AOL pictures will be closing Dec 31, 2008 so those slideshows will diappear.

To the right you will find a link to Clark Color where you can see my Jack's Playground group room. Just click on Jack's baby photo to be redirected. You will have to sign up for an account there to be able to view the pictures. Hopefully I will figure out a way to post them to this blog soon.

Please feel free to become a follower of this blog by clicking the link to the right. Also, let me know what you think.