Saturday, June 21, 2008

Team ARRGH!!!

Jack led a team of pirates to plunder for the ACS. We formed a Relay for Life team. We sold shirts and items on CafePress, collected various donations, and made ice cream for the event itself. Not too shabby for our first attempt.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

3rd Birthday Bash

We had a huge birthday bash at our house for Jack's 3rd birthday. There were over 50 people here. Thank goodness for good weather so we could get a slew of people outside and onto the playground. Jack was lavished with love, family, and friends... and gifts. Thanks to all who attended!

For the second year we had a Spongebob theme. This year we had a baker make a gluten-free cake with some cupcakes. Instead of ice cream we had sorbet. Everything was "Jack-friendly" for food.

I wonder what theme we'll try next year...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Vernon Family Photos

Thanks to Stacy Kellum for making our family pictures this summer. Jeff and I had a little up and down in conversation over whether to get family pics with baldy. But I wanted to have a few professional photos before Jack's hair began to return.