Thursday, February 14, 2008

A January 3rd Christmas Party at HOME!

January 3rd was our go-home day from Vanderbilt. You can see our trending chart above that kept us looking toward the prize of discharge. Even with the trend we had to BEG to get out that day.

These are the pictures from our Christmas at home. There were so many presents from events we missed while Jack was in the hospital. It took him about 2 hours to open everything.

A Vanderbilt Christmas.... The Hospital, Not the Family

Well, we all spent Christmas in the hospital with Jack. He went in December 21 and was there through Christmas and New Years. It all started with a fever and line infection. Since his counts were rock bottom we had to stay until his counts began to show  an "upward trend."

The pics you see include our home "photo session" in the SpongeBob 'jamas next to Jack's own Christmas tree. Then Santa came down our street and let Jack get in the sleigh with him. There are also pictures of Jack in the hospital spreading Christmas cheer, getting visits from Santa, and opening presents. The big bag-o-gifts delivered by Santa are from the hospital and include special gifts from Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. Jack kept saying "Oh, Thank you, Santa, Thank you." The final Santa pic is "Dr. Santa" one of our favorite Heme/Onc attendings, Dr. Engel, who came to give us the depressing news Christmas morning that we were stuck there.

All in all, the day wasn't as bad as it could have been. We actually ended up seeing more family over Christmas than we would have seen otherwise.

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving was different this year. We had a family dinner with just the 3 of us as Jack's counts weren't really high enough to go out to family dinners. Also, I was on call for 2 practices here in town. As for dinner, Jack was just loving the green beans that day and couldn't hardly wait for them to get off the stove before eating them.