Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Day

Stopped by Grandpa and Laverne's house because we haven't seen them in a very long time.  They gave me a John Deere tractor ornament from Grandpa's personal collection.  That was nice.

The stopped by Grandma's house.  They were eating lunch.  I just wanted to play and look around.

Then it was off to Grandmama and Granddaddy's house.  We opened lots of presents.  Grandmother, Granddad, Great-Aunt Kathy, and Kaitlin came over for lunch and lots of fun play time.  Then we opened even more presents.  It was lots of fun, but I was poooped when it was all over.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Morning - Santa Came!

Santa knows all about me.  He must, because he brought me an ELMO toolbench!  I love anything that makes noise and has parts that I can work, especially if it has ELMO!!!!!  My Daddy got me a drum with a harmonica and some maracas (don't know if my Mommy can spell that one).  Mommy got me a vacuum because I like to clean so much.  (Daddy wasn't real thrilled about that one.)  Lots of other stuff, too.  Did you know Santa fills those socks with presents?

Vernon Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent with my Grandpa and all his family.  And you know what?  Santa came to visit!  He brought me, Nate, and baby Gabe all a shiny red wagon!  Wasn't that nice?  Now how did he get there and still have time to deliver more presents to my house?

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas With Grammy & Kathy

I had a big Christmas last night with Aunt Kathy and Grammy.  We had lots of fun eating good food and playing with all my new toys.  I got a phonics bus, a little SUV truck, and a new Elmo.  That Elmo just laughs and laughs when you tickle him.  No wonder he's called TMX.  (Tickle Me Elmo eXtreme)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Photo Shoot

Well, today I went and had my pictures taken.  There was a big Christmas tree.  The lady even let me play with the ornaments.  My Mommy never lets me do that!

(BTW... the silly looking picture of me was when I was telling my Mommy that I had just gone pee-pee... potty chair soon?)