Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My First Pool

Daddy bought me a little pool.  I got in it for the very first time Saturday and had lots of fun.  See me play in the sun!  My Daddy's also helped me start climbing trees, again.  Remember how cute I was in the trees last July!  It's been so much fun since it's gotten warm outside.  Now if I could just get around on the grass without putting my hands in it.  I don't like that at all!

Just to let you know, I'm cruising all over the place.  I even let go for a second or two the other day.  I'll be walking before you know it!  And I've starting "talking" too.  I say Da-Da, Ga-Da, Ba-Ba.  I just haven't said the famous MaMa yet.


My Mommy cheated and gave me some apples for Easter!  They tasted yucky!  I think they were too sweet.  I didn't even like the juice.  But I'm eating somewhat better if you give me rice cereal or carrots.  The rice is tolerable if that's all that's there.  But the carrots are really yummy.  I gobble them up!  Here's some pictures from Sunday.