Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I'm 2 Months Old Now

My 2-month birthday was Wednesday.  Unfortunately, I spent it with Mama's family at my great-uncle Ricky's funeral.  It sure will be different to grow up without him with us.

Monday, Aug 22 I went to the doctor for my 1st shots.  I weighed 11 pounds and 7 ounces and am now 22 inches long!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Mommy took me to the doctor's office Thursday. I'm already 10 pounds and 6 ounces. I'll be two months old Wednesday and have my 2 month check-up Aug 22. Wonder what I'll weigh then?

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Pictures of Just Me

Though we like pictures taken with other people, here are just some cute pictures of me.  You can get to see my Funky Monkey rattle.  I am also smiling and making bubbles, which you can see.

Meet the Houston County Gang

I finally got to meet my great-grandparents on my Grandmama's side.  My Grandmother and Granddad were so happy to meet me.  Even my aunt Kathy came to visit from Florida.  I also met a few of my cousins.  Nolen had a birthday party last Saturday where I got to meet Ashlyn.  Kaitlin came to see me at Granmother's house.  There's even a picture of "Aunt" Elaine and Drew at her bridal shower.

Meet the Vernon Family

We went to Bowling Green last week to meet the rest of the Vernon brood.  That includes my Uncles Harry and Bob, my Aunt Debi, Jennifer (where's my pic of her?), and Cousin Nate.